Netting the Big Fish: Bluefin Tuna Domains!
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Bluefin Tuna: How To Be A Millionaire Selling Domains

Bluefin Tuna: Would You Pay $1.8 Million for One? What About a Domain Name?
Bluefin tuna is a truly remarkable creature! Let’s explore more about it.

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Would you pay $30,000 for a single bluefin tuna?
Perhaps $20,000?
How about $10,000? No?
Is it a delectable, extraordinary taste? Still not convinced? That’s okay!
What if I told you that no other fish on the planet tastes quite like it?

Imagine the white filaments of fat that provide juiciness and a delightful sensation as they dissolve in your mouth.

Soft, tender flesh with subtle sweet notes, a smooth texture, and an abundance of omega-3 fatty acids in the belly and head, unlike any other fish found in the sea.

Still not convinced? I understand.

Would you pay £473,000 for a 269 kg bluefin tuna with 100% certainty of profit? No? I understand.

Believe it or not, businessman Kiyoshi Kimura, owner of the Sushi Zanmai restaurant chain, purchased this 269 kg tuna in 2012 for a staggering £473,000.

The business was so lucrative that, a year later in 2013, Kiyoshi Kimura bought a 222 kg bluefin tuna for an astounding $1.7 million.

Despite being 47 kg lighter, the tuna’s price increased almost 300% in just one year.

Renowned Japanese restaurants with high standards of excellence never skimp on bluefin tuna in their dishes.

Similarities Between a Valuable Premium Domain Name and Bluefin Tuna

The same philosophy of excellence applies to the domain name market. A perfect .com domain is the master key that opens many doors for your business. Sometimes, you run the risk of disappointment and frustration, but you won’t catch a big fish if you don’t take the risk and cast your hook into the water.

What makes bluefin tuna and domain names so valuable?

To understand the analogy of a valuable domain name, let’s first explore why bluefin tuna has reached such high values. One of the main factors driving the demand for bluefin tuna is the global popularity of Japanese cuisine, which has caused the demand for bluefin tuna to soar.

Bluefin tuna, on average, takes 10 years to reach a weight of 100 kg

Between 1950 and 2006, fishing increased more than fourfold, from 19 million tonnes to 87 million tonnes, driven by the law of supply and demand. It is estimated that bluefin tuna stocks are now less than 80% of what they were in the 1950s.

Bluefin tuna takes an average of 10 years to reach a weight of 100 kg, so it requires time to achieve larger sizes and weights. There are limitations on fishing licenses, and even when granted, only a few fishermen receive them. The legal fishing license for bluefin tuna allows for the capture of just one fish per season.

The Japanese market alone consumes 80% of all bluefin tuna caught worldwide.

The Challenge of Catching a Valuable Bluefin Tuna

Through the eyes of a fisherman, let’s understand the challenges of catching a valuable bluefin tuna:

On average, it takes more than two hours for the fish to approach the surface after being hooked. The fishing line can rub against the boat’s hull or propeller, and if it breaks, there must be synchrony between the captain and the crew to avoid this.

The adrenaline surges when the fishing line is pulled at full speed, but it’s crucial to control the euphoria to avoid losing the fish. When a bluefin tuna approaches the boat, the second and most delicate phase begins.

The fish must be harpooned carefully, aiming for its back to avoid hitting the large blood vessels, which would be detrimental to the catch’s value. Once this is done, the tuna’s tail is tied to a metal guide between its mouth and gills, while the fisherman controls the tuna’s head.

All of this must be accomplished while the fish struggles in the water at the edge of the boat. The fisherman must locate the animal and try to subdue it while it’s still alive.

During the struggle, the tuna’s blood temperature must be maintained at around 10 degrees Celsius, requiring another two hours of sailing with the fish swimming alongside. If the fish dies without its body temperature dropping below 20 degrees, the bluefin tuna’s value will significantly decrease, as the flesh will turn dark and develop an unpleasant taste.

Every detail is crucial in this challenging process!

Persist in tuna fishing, and perhaps you'll be able to catch a magnificent specimen

The law of supply and demand has led to a scarcity of major domain names, dictionary words, and dot-com domains. As a result, new sponsored extensions, whether successful or not, have attempted to meet this demand. In reality, this has only made dot-com domain names more relevant.

It is essential to recognize the value of available reserves for the sale of “bluefin tuna” in the sea of domain names. The internet resembles an ocean of opportunities, brimming with technological innovations, trends, applications, and improvements, often referred to as the 4th Industrial Revolution.

If you see yourself as a domain name fisherman, venture out to sea and don’t hesitate to cast your hook! Even if you catch some seals, release them. Persist in tuna fishing, and perhaps you’ll be able to catch a magnificent bluefin tuna in the domain name market.

Catch the Perfect Domain Name by Predicting Market Trends

Exercise patience when harpooning the perfect domain name to avoid compromising its quality. Just as bluefin tuna should be harpooned on the back, register your domain with the relevant (.com), (.org) extension or country code (ccTLD) to ensure its value.

Avoid misleading information that could cause you to lose your prized bluefin tuna domain name by allowing the reel line connecting you to break due to friction with the boat’s hull or propeller.

As tuna must be cooled to reach the ideal temperature for processing, let your domain name mature by renewing it regularly— a few years of renewal mean little for the right domain name.

We wish you great success in finding the perfect bluefin tuna domain name and achieving financial happiness! Check out some of our domain offerings here. We believe we have some high-quality “tuna” for you.

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    Hi there! I'm Domainyx, a fervent technology enthusiast and domain name investor since 2014. Always daring to think outside the box, I've carved a niche for myself in anticipating trends before they solidify, giving me an edge in the domain game. My passion and unique perspective find a home in my portfolio, specifically in the 'New Perspectives' blog. Here, I share distinctive insights to enlighten and guide both fellow domain enthusiasts and investors. Dive in, and let's reshape the domain narrative together!